Medical Ketamine
Rewiring the Sense of Self with Creative Intelligence Training

Rewire toxic stress.

For over 30 years, Dr. Romero has integrated Creative Intelligence Training (CIT) with pharmacotherapy and mindfulness. He developed CIT based on the neuroscience of creativity and resilience to rewire the damaged sense of self. SOS: Rewiring the Sense of Self with Creative Intelligence Training (2022) presents the theory and practice.

As a Child and Family Psychiatrist, he specializes in treating Relationship Stress and Burnout. He presented his methods in Phantom Stress: Brain Training to Master Relationship Stress (2010).

Toxic stress from chronic adverse childhood experiences, ACE, acute traumatic stress, codependent relationships, addiction, and burnout can damage the sense of self. The neuroendocrine symptoms of toxic stress, anxiety, depression, addiction, and codependency can be detoxified with CIT. CIT promotes unlearning old patterns of thought and behavior and learning new, fact-based patterns that shape the neural networks of the self by balancing the mind-body-emotion systems.

Medical ketamine promotes neuroplasticity, the brain’s in-built ability to rewire itself. Medical ketamine amplifies CIT by stimulating the rapid creation of new brain networks to overcome low self-esteem, negative self-image, and insecurity associated with all psychiatric disorders.

Overcome treatment-resistant disorders.

Medical ketamine has a proven record of rapid recovery from treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, and addiction.

Ketamine activates neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to rewire itself. Creative Intelligence Training guides long-term changes in the brain that sustain a healthy sense of self and are often unchanged with antidepressants despite years of psychotherapy.

The Psychedelic Experience

Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic medication. Sub-anesthetic Ketamine infusions last one hour and often produce psychedelic (mind-expanding) experiences.

Many patients have positive transformational experiences after the first session. CIT begins in the pre-ketamine sessions and continues in post-ketamine treatment.

How does ketamine work?

Ketamine reduces the brain’s default mode network (DMN), a network of different brain regions that generate the autobiographical sense of self, the ‘me.’

When ketamine dissociates consciousness from the sense of self, it can be a brief, anxiety experience. After a short time, the experience of selfless mind emerges widening mindful connectedness with everything. This can feel like a spiritual experience. Pre-ketamine CIT is critical to prepare for the post-infusion reintegration of the sense of self.

Psychedelic experiences are transformational for the sense of self. Feeling out-of-time, beyond death, otherworldly, and deeply connected to nature and the universe are common. Visual hallucinations often accompany the treatment. Memories, associations, and creativity are activated during the infusion.

Psychiatric diagnostic and treatment planning are essential.

A psychiatric diagnostic evaluation of the sense of self includes developmental childhood history, attachment stress, emotional symptoms, and one’s social network.

The treatment alliance between doctor and patient is critical to transforming the sense of self.

Brain Training: Mastering the Anxiety of Impermanence

Dr. Romero developed the Logosoma theory in 1985 – integrating the life story (logos) with the body (soma). Logosoma is a fact-based approach to brain training for secure, resilient, and creative mind-body networks. Dr. Romero introduced Logosoma in Phantom Stress: Brain Training to Master Relationship Stress (2010),

Our brain constantly determines our sense of security in relationships with people, places, and things. The fact that nothing is permanent and everything in life is continuously changing challenges the brain’s ability to develop a secure sense of self – the anxiety of impermanence.

CIT focuses on mastering stress within yourself. Developing a secure sense of self will change the nature of all your emotional attachments.

When you learn CIT skills with your spouse and family, dramatic changes in emotional security can occur for all. You will recover childlike wonderment in everyday activities, enjoy creative exploration and experimentation, and become playful with each other. I call it serious fun.

About Dr. Romero

The focus is on creating a renewed sense of self.

I developed Creative Intelligence Training (CIT) over 30 years ago. Fact-based on the neuroscience of creativity and resilience, CIT is focused on rewiring the damaged sense of self.

When treating clients, I integrate medical ketamine with CIT for a rapid, long-lasting transformation of the sense of self.

My publication, SOS: Rewiring the Sense of Self with Creative Intelligence Training (2022), presents information about my theory and practice.

Experience and expertise came from many sources.

My medical degree is from the University of Texas Medical Branch. After completing a Residency in Psychiatry at St. Vincent’s Hospital, NY, I completed a Child Psychiatry Fellowship at New York-Presbyterian Hospital-Cornell Medical College. I trained young doctors for 25 years as an assistant professor.

I spent three months at the Tibetan Medical Center in Dharamsala, India. I met with the Dalai Lama, who introduced him to Thrangu Rinpoche in Kathmandu, Nepal, for further training.

These experiences and training helped me integrate mindfulness skills with the neuroscience of resilience and creativity in my private practice, where I have worked with clients for over 30 years.

Writing and art are my other passions.

As an award-winning artist, my paintings, photography, and films have been exhibited in galleries and international exhibitions.

I have authored five books (

“The body follows the story – the Mind is the parent to the body;
the body is childlike in its emotional needs and self-centered urges.
Ketamine and Creative Intelligence transform
the mind-body experience for a secure sense of self.”